Do Motorcycle Batteries Come Charged?

Yesterday my younger brother was a bit confused about the battery that he ordered recently. And ask me, do motorcycle batteries come charged? I helped him and thought, why shouldn’t I write a whole post about the query a new motorbike might have. 

Sealed batteries come charged and require no external charging; even you can install new sealed batteries straight into your motorbike. While mostly unsealed batteries need you to charge for a few hours and can’t be installed straight into your motorbike. In other words, batteries like sealed ones come charged.

Let’s look at what it means for you and what you can do about it. In this post, I leave no stone unturned so every new rider can know about their motorbike as much as possible. 

Do Motorcycle Batteries Come Charged?

Before answering your query, you must understand the type of motorbike battery. There are two types of batteries, sealed and unsealed. 

Mostly unsealed batteries don’t require you to put acid in them and charge them externally.

These batteries already come charged and have enough power to start your motorbike, and later on, the alternator will charge the battery further. 

The unsealed battery comes with a minute charge, which isn’t enough to produce ignition. And you’re required to charge the battery for a few hours at least.  

Ride at least for a few hours after installing any battery in your motorbike. If you leave your motorbike standing for a few weeks after installing a new battery, then your battery could die. 

Can You Put a New Battery Straight into the Motorbike?  

Many people install their new battery straight into their motorbike and hope their motorbike battery will charge automatically. 

You can’t simply put a new battery straight into your motorbike because this charging method causes your battery to provide 80% efficiency. Doing this will significantly shorten the lifespan of the battery life and damage the lead plate of the battery. Also, not charging fully would cause your new battery not to charge fully ever.

Overall battery reseller must charge the new motorbike battery, especially if it’s an unsealed motorbike battery. 

And below, I’ll explain all the steps through which you can charge your new motorbike battery. 

Safety First: 

Before discussing the charging methods, I want you to wear all safety equipment, including gloves and glasses. 

The battery electrolyte is acidic, and I want you to have water and basic soda. Please perform electrolyte filling in the well-ventilated room so there is proper water and air supply. 

The electrolyte is highly toxic in nature, and I expect you won’t allow your child and pet entry in your garage while filling the unsealed motorbike battery. 

Last but not least, don’t burn anything around your motorbike battery while it’s open. It’s because sometimes charging causes the release of flammable gasses, which might catch fire easily. 

Before charging your motorbike battery, you should have all equipment with you, like crocodile clamps and battery tender. 

I’m a bit shocked how battery tender junior is producing more reliable and cost-effective battery tender nowadays. This battery tender is fantastic and is perfect for both beginners and advanced riders, and is conveniently available on Amazon and Revzilla.

Check the battery tender current price by clicking here on Revzilla or check the current price on Amazon by clicking here. 

How to Charge Motorcycle Battery First Time? 

Charging a motorcycle battery for the first time is crucial for its life. 

If you do not charge your motorcycle battery for the first time, then it might be possible your battery wouldn’t charge 100% ever. 

I’m assuming you’re wearing safety gear while charging your battery. 

Steps to Charge your New Motorbike Battery: 
Figure out the Amperage value of your new motorbike battery.
Connect your battery to tender with the help of crocodile clamps.  
Wait for some hours. 
Plug out the charger if your battery is heated and then reconnect again after 20-30 minutes. 

First, you need to figure out the Amperage of your motorcycle battery. You can find it from the user manual, or you can divide motorbike Ah by 10. 

For example, if your motorbike battery has 15Ah, divide it by 10, which equals 1.5 Amps. 

So you need 1.5 Amps charging capacity tender. Generally, the charging capacity won’t go beyond the 3 Amps. 

After figuring out the suitable charging Amps, now you need to connect your new motorbike battery with tender junior by crocodile clamps. You’ll see the light indicator on the tender indicating the charging of your battery. 

Wait for at least some hours for completing charging. 

If your motorbike battery heats while charging, it is best to plug out the tender for some minutes, say 30 minutes, to cool down and recharge again. 

Please be careful when charging your motorbike battery and make sure you don’t overcharge your motorbike battery. 

Just like undercharging, overcharging is also not good for your motorbike. 

Now install your motorbike battery carefully; it’s essential to attach the positive terminal before connecting the negative terminal. 

Please remember this order, as doing the opposite may fuse your battery. 

It might be possible your new motorbike battery dies after you ride your motorbike. If you ever encounter this problem, it’s better to check your motorbike charger.

As it might be possible; there’s something wrong with your motorbike battery charger.

Later you can also test the electrical connection of your motorbike battery and ensure each wire is connected. 

How Much Time it Takes to Charge New Motorcycle Battery? 

When charging your new motorcycle battery, it’s always best to know the approximate time for charging the new motorcycle battery. 

On average, the 12 V battery would take approximately 8 hours to complete 70% charging, and the same battery would take almost 7 hours to complete the remaining 30% charge. In other words, your new battery would take at least 14-16 hours to charge completely. 

You may want to read my past article about how motorbike batteries charge when you ride your motorbike. Click here to read.

Can You Charge Motorcycle Battery With Car Charger: 

General mathematics says that if you charge your motorbike battery with a car charger, it will take less time to fully charge the motorbike battery.

If you also think the same, then you’re mistaken.  

Motorbike batteries have much less power storage capacity than car batteries. Car chargers can supply enormous power to motorbike batteries, and this power can fuse or permanently damage your motorbike battery. And that’s why it’s always better to use a suitable motorbike charger for charging. 

Be careful when charging your motorcycle battery, and don’t use a car charger as it is designed for high-power or high-volt batteries. 

Things to Remember While Charging Battery: 

Things to Remember While Charging Your Motorbike Battery: 
Choose a well-ventilated place while charging your new motorbike battery. 
Never undercharge or overcharge your motorbike battery. 
Make sure your battery does not overheat ever and remove the charger if it ever overheats. 
Never use a car charger for charging your motorbike battery.

Choose Well Ventilated Place: 

Charging motorcycle batteries may cause the release of toxic gases, which might harm your local environment. And that’s why it’s better to choose a well-ventilated room where you can charge your battery. 

Never Undercharge or Overcharge Battery: 

As mentioned above, undercharging your motorcycle battery would cause your battery to never charge again fully. While overcharging your motorbike battery could fuse and destroy the lead plate permanently. 

Don’t Allow Overheating the Battery: 

Little heating while charging is common, but overheating can also destroy your motorbike battery permanently.

It’s always best to check the battery temperature at every interval of time and plug out charging for a few 30-40 minutes if your motorbike battery ever heats.

Don’t Use Car Charger: 

 As discussed in the above section, you shouldn’t use a car charger to charge your motorbike battery. 

A car charger can supply enormous electricity to your battery in a shorter period, which would fry the battery. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you put a new motorbike battery straight into your motorbike?

You can’t simply put a new battery straight into your motorbike because this charging method causes your battery to have 80% efficiency

Why you shouldn’t burn anything around your motorbike battery while it’s charging?

 It’s because sometimes charging causes the release of flammable gasses, which might catch fire easily. 

How much time it will take to charge the motorbike battery?

 Your new battery would take at least 14-16 hours to charge completely

Can you charge your motorbike battery with a car charger?

Car chargers can supply enormous power to motorbike batteries, and this power can fuse or permanently damage your motorbike battery.

Is overcharging well for your motorbike battery?

Just like undercharging, overcharging is also not good for your motorbike. 

Final Verdict: 

Do motorcycle batteries come charged? Sealed batteries come charged and require no external charging, and you can install new sealed batteries straight into your motorbike.

While mostly unsealed batteries require you to charge for a few hours and can’t be installed straight into your motorbike. You need to be careful when charging your motorbike battery.

If your battery gets heat, it is best to plug out the charger for a few minutes. And never charge your motorbike with the car or automobile charger as it may cause your battery to fuse and destroy permanently.