What is a Motorcycle Battery Tender?

Yesterday, I was charging my motorbike battery while storing it for winter. I saw new riders and was amazed when they saw me using a small brick-like charger. And then I thought, why shouldn’t I post an article about battery tender for beginners? 

A battery tender is a 1.5 amp intelligent charging device that comes with a microprocessor that protects your battery from short circuits while charging overnight. Although it’s an inexpensive way of charging, you can’t jumpstart your motorbike battery with the battery tender. 

Let’s look at what it means for you and what you can do about it.

While writing this post, I leave no stone unturned to understand how the battery tender works and how you can choose one for yourself. 

What is a Motorcycle Battery Tender? 

The motorbike battery is indeed the most crucial part of your motorbike, which you can’t ignore. 

And thus, to protect your battery from the dead, you might need a battery tender. 

Motorbike tender is an intelligent battery charging device that operates in the 1.5 amp and was launched by Deltran in 1965. 

From 1965 to 2022, the motorbike tenders were changed entirely. 

Before 1965, people used trickle chargers that weren’t safe and could short-circuit when charging overnight. 

And fortunately enough, the motorbike tender comes with a microprocessor that automatically turns off the battery tender once your motorbike battery is fully charged. 

I seriously can’t express the value of this small microprocessor behind protecting my motorbike battery for years. 

And that’s why experts always recommend going with a battery tender that comes with an intelligent microprocessor or auto-adjust amperage and clear reading LED lights. 

The LED lights reflect your motorbike charging status in various models, which I think is crucial for any rider. 

However, keep in mind that you can’t jumpstart your motorbike battery with the battery tender. And to jumpstart your motorbike battery, you might need a trickle charger which I think is not safe unless you’re a technician. 

Why Should You Choose Motorcycle Battery Tender? 

Now that you have an understanding of what a battery tender is, let’s explore why opting for a motorbike battery tender is a wise decision.

While it may seem unnecessary to spend money on a battery tender, investing in one is, in fact, highly beneficial for your motorcycle. Here’s why:

Why should you choose a motorbike battery tender: Details:
It comes with a microprocessor. A battery tender goes beyond simply charging your motorbike battery; it also safeguards it from potential short circuits. Unlike regular motorbike chargers that supply a constant voltage regardless of the battery’s state, a battery tender adjusts its output accordingly. This eliminates the risk of short-circuiting your battery and, in extreme cases, causing it to explode.
Auto-switch-off feature. In addition to the microprocessor, a motorbike battery tender is equipped with an auto-switch-off feature. Once your motorbike battery reaches full charge, the battery tender will automatically cease charging. This convenient feature allows you to leave your motorbike connected to the battery tender overnight, providing peace of mind.
It comes with a battery status indicator. One notable feature of battery tenders is the inclusion of a battery status indicator. This transparency allows you to easily monitor the status of your motorbike battery. By having this information readily available, you can proactively safeguard your battery from unforeseen issues.
Zero battery current draw. It is important to note that battery tenders are designed to prevent any electric current draw from the battery when AC power is disconnected. This feature ensures that the battery tender does not contribute to any unnecessary discharge of the battery, preserving its charge when not in use.
Protect your battery from sulfation. Sulfation is a process that occurs when sulfur accumulates on the lead plates of a motorbike battery due to the presence of acid water. This can lead to a slow discharge of the battery over time, significantly impacting its performance. However, with the use of a motorbike battery tender, you can protect your battery from sulfation and mitigate the adverse effects it can have on battery life.
Protect your battery from the parasitic drain. Sulfation is a process that occurs when sulfur accumulates on the lead plates of a motorbike battery due to the presence of acid water. This can lead to a slow discharge of the battery over time, significantly impacting its performance. However, with the use of a motorbike battery tender, you can protect your battery from sulfation and mitigate the adverse effects it can have on battery life.

It Comes with a Microprocessor: 

A battery tender goes beyond simply charging your motorbike battery; it also safeguards it from potential short circuits. Unlike regular motorbike chargers that supply a constant voltage regardless of the battery’s state, a battery tender adjusts its output accordingly. This eliminates the risk of short-circuiting your battery and, in extreme cases, causing it to explode.

Auto-Switch-off Feature: 

In addition to the microprocessor, a motorbike battery tender is equipped with an auto-switch-off feature. Once your motorbike battery reaches full charge, the battery tender will automatically cease charging. This convenient feature allows you to leave your motorbike connected to the battery tender overnight, providing peace of mind.

By investing in a motorbike battery tender, you ensure optimal battery health and protection, reducing the chances of damage or premature battery failure. It is a worthwhile investment for the longevity and reliability of your motorcycle.

It Comes with Battery Status Indicator: 

Honestly, I love the transparency which my battery tender offers me.

One notable feature of battery tenders is the inclusion of a battery status indicator. This transparency allows you to easily monitor the status of your motorbike battery. By having this information readily available, you can proactively safeguard your battery from unforeseen issues.

Zero Battery Current Draw: 

It is important to note that battery tenders are designed to prevent any electric current draw from the battery when AC power is disconnected. This feature ensures that the battery tender does not contribute to any unnecessary discharge of the battery, preserving its charge when not in use.

Protect your Battery from Sulfation: 

Before understanding this point, you must understand the meaning of sulfation. 

Sulfation is a process that occurs when sulfur accumulates on the lead plates of a motorbike battery due to the presence of acid water. This can lead to a slow discharge of the battery over time, significantly impacting its performance. However, with the use of a motorbike battery tender, you can protect your battery from sulfation and mitigate the adverse effects it can have on battery life.

Parasitic Drain: 

If you have experienced a drained motorbike battery after storing your bike, it is likely due to a parasitic drain. This phenomenon occurs when electrical devices connected to the battery continue to draw power, even when the motorbike is not in use. By utilizing a battery tender, you can effectively combat parasitic drain. The battery tender charges the battery if it detects any loss of charge and automatically shuts off once the battery is fully charged.

By taking advantage of these features provided by a motorbike battery tender, you can actively monitor and protect your battery from issues such as sulfation and parasitic drain, ensuring optimal battery performance and longevity.

Click here to read the wikiHow article discussing some ways by which you can find a parasitic drain on your batteries.

What Do Motorcycle Battery Tenders Do? 

Now that you understand the benefits of using a battery tender for charging your motorbike battery, let’s delve into what a motorbike battery tender actually does.

A motorbike battery tender serves as an intelligent charging device designed to safely charge your motorbike battery. It goes beyond simple charging by offering several key functions:

Protection against Short Circuits:

Equipped with advanced microprocessors, a battery tender ensures that your motorbike battery is charged without the risk of short circuits. This protection prevents any potential damage to the battery during the charging process.

Prevention of Sulfation:

Battery tenders are effective in preventing sulfation, a common issue that occurs when lead-acid batteries are not properly maintained. The microprocessors in battery tenders optimize the charging process to minimize sulfation, enhancing the battery’s overall lifespan and performance.

Handling Parasatic Drain:

Battery tenders are effective in preventing sulfation, a common issue that occurs when lead-acid batteries are not properly maintained. The microprocessors in battery tenders optimize the charging process to minimize sulfation, enhancing the battery’s overall lifespan and performance.

Motorbike Status Monitoring:

Many battery tenders provide additional features to monitor the status of your motorbike. This can include indicators or displays that show the battery’s charging progress, voltage levels, or other relevant information. This allows you to stay informed about the battery’s condition.

In summary, a motorbike battery tender acts as an intelligent charging device that protects your motorbike battery from short circuits, prevents sulfation, handles parasitic drains, and provides monitoring capabilities. By using a battery tender, you can effectively maintain and prolong the life of your motorbike battery.

When to Use Motorcycle Battery Tender? 

They say timing is everything, and this is even more true for battery tender too. 

Experts suggest using or connecting a motorbike tender with a motorbike battery once your motorbike battery discharges slightly or you feel sluggish light when riding. Or you can even connect a motorcycle battery tender to your motorbike when storing for several months in winter. 

Now you know why and when you should use a battery tender. 

How to Use Motorcycle Battery Tenders? 

Prior to connecting the motorbike battery, it is advisable to take certain precautions as recommended by experts to ensure safety:

  1. Have soap and water nearby: In the event that the battery comes into contact with your skin, it is important to have soap and water readily accessible. This will allow you to promptly clean the affected area and minimize any potential risks.
  2. Wear protective clothing: When handling the battery and establishing connections, it is strongly advised to wear full sleeves and protective glasses. These protective measures serve as an additional safeguard, reducing the likelihood of accidents or exposure to harmful substances.

By adhering to these safety guidelines, you can significantly reduce the chances of injury and handle the motorbike battery with enhanced caution.

Now locate the battery post and figure out which post you need to be grounded or connected with the chassis. 

  • For the negative grounded motorbike, you need to connect the positive terminal of the battery tender (red) with the positive post of the motorbike battery. 

And don’t forget to connect the negative terminal with the chassis or simply connect it with the heavy iron of the frame. And it’s advisable to not connect the negative wire with the fuel line or any combustible part. 

  • For the positively grounded motorbike, connect the negative post with the black or negative part of the motorbike tender. And connect the red or positive wire with the chassis. 

Now you will observe lights are bleeping. I recommend seeing the motorbike tender manual to see the exact meaning of light. 

As different manufacturers have different light indicators.

Also, read my previous post where I discussed how the motorcycle battery charge. Click here to read.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why motorcycle tender comes with a microprocessor?

Battery tender comes with a microprocessor that protects your motorbike battery from short circuits. 

Why motorbike tender comes with an auto-switch-off feature?

The motorbike tender auto-switch-off feature helps the battery tender to stop charging once your motorbike battery is fully charged. 

What is a parasitic drain?

Parasitic drain refers to the phenomenon where the electrical devices in your motorbike continue to draw power even when the motorbike is not running. This can result in battery depletion over time. However, you can safeguard against this issue by using a battery tender.

What does a motorcycle tender do?

A motorbike battery tender is an intelligent charging device that charges your motorbike battery without any short circuit.

When you should use a motorcycle battery tender?

Experts suggest using or connecting a motorbike tender with a motorbike battery once your motorbike battery discharges slightly or you feel sluggish light when riding

Final Verdict: 

What is a motorcycle battery tender? A battery tender is a 1.5 amp smart charger device that comes with a microprocessor that protects your battery from short circuits while charging overnight. While it’s an inexpensive way of charging, you can’t jumpstart your motorbike battery with the battery tender. 

I’ve already mentioned the use of motorbike tender and the way you can use battery tender safely.