What is a Motorcycle Break in Period?

You may hear many riders saying to cross motorcycle break-in periods for a smooth riding experience, but have you wondered what the motorcycle break-in period is? 

New motorcycles come with not-so-smooth motorbike parts, making the riding experience awful. To blend those motorbike parts for a smooth riding experience, you need to ride a motorbike for a few miles. This period is called the motorbike break-in period. Usually, the motorcycle break-in period lasts 500-1000 miles on the road. 

Let’s look at what it means and what you can do about it. 

While writing this post, I leave no stone unturned so you can know everything about the motorcycle break-in period. 

What is a Motorcycle Break in Period?

You may hear some riders continue saying to cross the motorcycle break-in period for a smooth riding experience which is lacking with the new motorbike. But have you ever wondered what a motorcycle break is? 

When buying a new motorcycle, you get the motorcycle in mint condition with sharp edges of motorbike parts. These sharp edges of motorbike parts are responsible for an awful riding experience. 

To brand those motorbike parts, you need to ride a motorbike for some distance to get a good dining experience. This period is called the motorcycle break-in period. 

How Much Does a Motorcycle Break-in Period Last? 

So far, you understand what a motorcycle break-in period is, but have you wondered how much a motorcycle break-in period lasts?

According to industry experts, a motorcycle break-in period depends on the condition of your motorbike parts and the way you’re riding the motorbike. 

And on average, the motorcycle break-in period lasts for some 500-1000 miles. After crossing this distance, your motorbike will start to give a smoother riding experience. 

Is a Motorcycle Break-in Period Necessary? 

So far, you understand what a motorcycle break is and how long it will last. Now the question arises, is a motorcycle break-in period necessary? 

According to industry experience, a motorcycle break-in period is an old concept. Nowadays, sports motorbikes are available in ready-to-run condition. 

It means motorbike manufacturers do all the work. You don’t need to take care of a motorcycle break-in, period. 

But this isn’t true about budget-friendly motorbikes; there are still some budget-friendly motorbikes that require you to cross the break-in period. 

The best way to know if your motorbike comes with a break-in period is to ask the dealer and demand a test ride. Suppose you can sense the motorbike is failing to provide a smooth experience. In that case, you may be required to cross the motorcycle break-in period. 

Things to Consider When Crossing a Motorcycle Break-in Period? 

The undeniable break-in period is crucial for a smoother riding experience; now, the question arises, what things do you need to consider most when crossing the motorcycle break-in period? 

According to industry experts, you shouldn’t use throttle at the maximum potential when crossing the motorcycle break-in period. Applying full throttle will exert unwanted stress on the motorbike engine, which isn’t good. 

When it’s about throttle, you shouldn’t increase and decrease the motorbike speed suddenly because doing this will also exert unwanted pressure on the motorbike engine. 

Another thing which you need to consider most is to ride a motorbike at the half of maximum mark for the first 1000 miles, to not exert unwanted pressure on the motorbike engine. 

You should also choose mineral oil over synthetic oil for the first 1000 miles and leave the motorbike engine in the ON condom for a few minutes. 

Ways to Cross Motorcycle Break-in Period? 

So far, you understand some things which you need to consider most when crossing the motorcycle break-in period. Here’re some types of ways you can cross the break-in period. 

Ways to Cross Motorcycle Break in Period: Details:
Follow manual rules. Every motorbike comes with a rule book or manual in which the motorcycle break-in period is already mentioned. You can follow the rules written over there. 
Shortcut process (May not be good for your motorbike). Before riding the motorbike, leave the motorbike in ON condition for approximately 5 minutes to heat up the engine. After this, ride the motorbike for at least 5 miles at 25-35 miles per hour and do this again another time. 
Table Explaining Some Ways to Cross Motorcycle Break in Period.

Follow Manual Rules: 

Every motorbike comes with a rule book or manual in which the motorcycle break-in period is already mentioned. You can follow the rules written over there. 

Suppose your motorbike manual doesn’t mention a break in the period. In that case, you can directly ask the technician about the motorcycle break-in period. During this period, you shouldn’t have to suddenly increase or decrease the motorbike speed. 

You should also choose mineral oil over synthetic oil for a few miles and pay special attention to oiling the motorbike. 

You should always follow the rider manual over the following bro rules for your motorbike’s betterment because motorbike manufacturers know your motorbike better than you. 

Shortcut Process: 

The short process may not be suitable for your motorbike and may not help cross the break-in period, do this at your own risk. 

Before riding the motorbike, leave the motorbike in ON condition for approximately 5 minutes to heat up the engine. After this, ride the motorbike for at least 5 miles at 25-35 miles per hour and do this again another time. 

After that, you need to ride a motorbike off-road at the maximum speed as much as you can as per your safety. Please don’t compromise your safety for the sake of a break-in period. 

Do this for at least 50-100 miles and change the motorbike oil as needed; remember, this process isn’t safe and may not suit your motorbike.

Why Using Octane is Good for a Motorcycle Break-in Period? 

You may hear some experts claim to use octane as a fuel in their new motorbike when crossing a motorcycle break-in period. Have you wondered why they do so? 

Octane is also called a premium fuel which comes with a higher compression ratio which causes your motorbike engine to suffer less, especially when it’s new.

For a few miles at the motorcycle break-in period, you can’t cross a specific speed limit causing your motorbike engine to not get heat properly. And to heat the motorbike engine at a limited distance and speed, experts riders use octane or a premium fuel in their motorbike. 

Also, read my previous post where I’ve discussed weather do you need chain guard for your motorbike, CLICK HERE to read.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much does motorcycle break in period last?

According to industry experts, a motorcycle break-in period depends on the condition of your motorbike parts and the way you’re riding the motorbike. 

Is a motorcycle break in period necessary?

According to industry experience, a motorcycle break-in period is an old concept. Nowadays, sports motorbikes are available in ready-to-run condition. 

What’re some things which you need to consider while crossing a motorcycle break in period?

According to industry experts, you shouldn’t use throttle at the maximum potential when crossing the motorcycle break-in period. Applying full throttle will exert unwanted stress on the motorbike engine, which isn’t good. 

What you should do before riding the motorbike?

Before riding the motorbike, leave the motorbike in ON condition for approximately 5 minutes to heat up the engine. After this, ride the motorbike for at least 5 miles at 25-35 miles per hour and do this again another time.

Why you should using octane for motorcycle break in period?

Octane is also called a premium fuel which comes with a higher compression ratio which causes your motorbike engine to suffer less, especially when it’s new.

Final Verdict: 

What is a Motorcycle Break in Period? New motorcycles come with not-so-smooth motorbike parts, making the riding experience awful. 

To blend those motorbike parts for a smooth riding experience, you need to ride a motorbike for a few miles. This period is called the motorbike break-in period. Usually, the motorcycle break-in period lasts 500-1000 miles on the road. 

I’ve mentioned how you can break a motorcycle break-in period. One is considered safe, and another is a shortcut process that isn’t recommended and isn’t safe for your motorbike. 

I will also highly recommend an octane or premium fuel for a few miles for smooth riding.