Will Low Oil Cause a Motorcycle Not to Start?

We all know how crucial motorbike oil is, now the question arises will low oil cause a motorcycle not to start? Here’s the answer. 

According to industry experts, low oil in the motorcycle is never the reason behind your motorcycle not starting. If your motorbike isn’t starting, then battery problems could be the main reason. Low oil can only make your motorbike overheat and malfunction the engine piston and cylinder. 

Let’s look at what it means and what you can do about it. 

While writing this post, I leave no stone unturned so you can know everything about motorcycle oil. 

Will Low Oil Cause a Motorcycle Not to Start? 

No, low oil levels in a motorcycle are not directly responsible for causing the bike to not start. The primary purpose of oil in a motorcycle engine is to lubricate the moving parts and reduce friction. While insufficient oil can lead to engine damage and performance issues, it does not directly affect the starting of the motorcycle.

If your motorcycle is not starting, there are other factors to consider, such as the battery, spark plugs, fuel supply, ignition system, or other mechanical issues. It is important to diagnose the specific problem rather than assuming it is solely due to low oil levels. Regular oil maintenance and ensuring proper oil levels are important for the overall health and performance of the motorcycle engine, but they do not directly impact its starting.

What Will Happen if Your Motorbike Oil Is Low? 

So far, you understand that low isn’t the main reason why your motorbike isn’t starting. The question arises: What will happen if your motorbike oil is low? 

As explained earlier, your motorbike needs oil in the engine to function correctly and smoothly; without motorbike oil, your motorbike engine will start to overheat and give poor fuel economy. 

Without motorbike oil, your motorbike engine will produce a whining sound and start to give off a burnt smell. 

Also, your motorbike may experience burnt clutch plates, severe piston and cylinder malfunction, low fuel economy, and an overall decrease in performance.  

In simpler words, motorbike oil is only used for reducing the friction between the cylinder and piston, and it has nothing to do with your motorbike not starting. 

Why Your Motorbike Isn’t Starting? 

If your motorbike oil is low, it can lead to various problems and negatively impact the performance and longevity of your engine. Some of the potential consequences of low motorbike oil include:

  1. Overheating: Oil helps in dissipating heat generated by the engine. When the oil level is low, it reduces the engine’s ability to cool itself, resulting in increased operating temperatures.
  2. Increased Friction: Oil lubricates the moving parts in the engine, reducing friction. Insufficient oil leads to increased friction between components, causing excessive wear and potential damage.
  3. Poor Fuel Economy: Without adequate lubrication, the engine has to work harder, leading to decreased fuel efficiency and increased fuel consumption.
  4. Engine Noise and Odor: Low oil levels can cause increased noise from the engine, such as a whining or knocking sound. It can also produce a burnt smell as the components experience increased friction and heat.
  5. Component Damage: Lack of lubrication can result in severe damage to vital engine components like the piston, cylinder, and bearings. Over time, this can lead to engine malfunctions and reduced performance.

While low motorbike oil is not the direct cause of the bike not starting, it is important to maintain the proper oil level to ensure optimal engine performance, longevity, and overall functionality. Regular oil checks and timely oil changes are essential for the health of your motorbike’s engine.

What to Do When a Motorcycle Isn’t Starting?

We all know how much pain it’s caused when a motorbike stops in the middle of a highway, and that’s why you should know the solution to avoid any problem. 

Problematic Parts:Solution: 
Faulty battery.Charge your motorbike battery through tender. 
Spark plug.Replace the old spark plug with the new one. 
Air filter.Clean or replace the air filter with a new one. 
Stator. Hire a technician and replace the stator. 
Dirty carburetor. Clean the dirty carburetor without water thoroughly. 
Kill switch. Change the kill switch and hire a technician if the wire is broken. 
Table Explaining Some Problematic Parts With Their Solution.

 Faulty Battery: 

A faulty battery is one of the most common reasons your motorbike might not start. 

If your battery is temporarily down, you can charge your motorbike battery overnight through the battery tender while not using it.  

But before charging the battery through tender, you should connect the multimeter to the battery and put it on a 20-volt setting of direct current. 

Check the reading, and if the reading is close to 12, you need to charge your battery and try to start the motorbike after installing it back. 

And if the reading shows 9 or less 9, you should go with a new motorbike battery as your battery is permanently dead. 

Spark Plug: 

Spark plug mainly causes when its outer ceramic coating is cracked.

Replacing an old spark plug with a new one is easy, and even you can do it yourself. Buy a new spark plug which would cost you around a dollar. 

Air Filters: 

Air filters are crucial for your motorbike, as mentioned above. 

But if your air filter is blocked, then you should clean it. You can clean it even in your home. 

And if your air filter is not washable or dust persists even after cleaning, you should consider changing it. 

Additionally, don’t forget to oil your motorbike air filter with recommended oil after cleaning. 


Indeed, the stator plays a crucial role in generating electrical charge while riding. It is advisable to have the stator checked if there are concerns about its functionality. If the stator is found to be faulty or damaged, it is recommended to consider replacing it. While it is possible to perform the replacement yourself, it is generally recommended to seek the assistance of a qualified technician.

They have the expertise and experience to ensure proper installation and address any other potential issues that may arise during the process. Hiring a technician can help ensure that the task is performed accurately and safely.

Dirty Carbeautor: 

A carburetor helps to maintain the air-fuel ratio in your motorbike. And if it’s dirty, you should clean your internal motorbike parts.

Avoid using water when cleaning the internal motorbike parts. 

Also, don’t forget to check other internal parts and if something is broken, buy new motorbike parts. 

Kill Switch: 

Kill switch can also be why your motorbike isn’t starting. 

You can easily disable the kill switch if enabled, but it’s better to hire a technician if the switch is broken or the wire is broken. 

Also, read my previous post where I discussed whether motorbike batteries come charged or not, CLICK HERE to read.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What will happen if your motorbike is low on oil?

Your motorbike needs oil in the engine to function correctly and smoothly; without motorbike oil, your motorbike engine will start to overheat and give poor fuel economy. 

Why your motorcycle isn’t starting?

According to industry experts, if your motorbike isn’t starting, then there’s something wrong with your motorbike battery, stator, or fuel line. 

What to do if your motorbike isn’t starting because of a faulty battery?

If your battery is temporarily down, you can charge your motorbike battery overnight through the battery tender while not using it.  

What if your motorbike carburetor is dirty?

A carburetor helps to maintain the air-fuel ratio in your motorbike. And if it’s dirty, you should clean your internal motorbike parts.

What if your motorbike air filters are jammed?

But if your air filter is blocked, then you should clean it. You can clean it even in your home, and if your air filter is not washable or dust persists even after cleaning, you should consider changing it. 

Final Verdict:

Will low oil cause a motorcycle not to start? According to industry experts, low oil in the motorcycle is never the reason behind your motorcycle not starting. 

If your motorbike isn’t starting, then battery problems could be the main reason. Low oil can only make your motorbike overheat and malfunction the engine piston and cylinder. 

I’ve also mentioned why your motorbike isn’t starting, and oil has nothing to do with your motorbike not starting.